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The Speak2Me notecard in the Chatback system is one which you do not want to include the % if you do not want your child to call yourself or others by their avatar name (i.e., hi Suzy Resident instead of hi Mommy)

This notecard is one which your child will use to talk to people they already met. Such as:

Hi again! Do you remember me?

You can also add a delay/pause in how long the child continues the sentence, such as:

Hello %!


Uhm.. hi?



The sleep:2 means how long the child should pause before continuing their sentence.

You can also have basic replies. Let's use a newborn as an example:

coos when you walk in the room

wiggles little toes excited to see you again!

smiles remembering your face

Etc. Between each actual used line you will want to use an asterisk in order to tell the program “this is one sentence by itself” (DO NOT INCLUDE SPACES, the website forces me to use spaces in the example to separate sentences but the ChatBack does not use them).


coos when you walk in the room


wiggles little toes excited to see you again!


smiles remembering your face

Click another link for the ChatBack: Click here for Setup help, Chatback Notecard, NewPerson Notecard, Speak2Me Notecard.

speak2me_notecard.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/05 00:01 by rebekah