FUNSIES® IntelliGrow Babies - Protect yourself from scams
There's a reason someone would resell their items. Sometimes it's an honest reason, more often it's a scam. Why shouldn't you buy an item from someone else? Many reasons: 1) If we update an item and offer a free update (due to a bug-fix, a normal update etc), and you are not the original purchaser, you do not get to take advantage of the update. 2) Odds are the resold item is an older and unusable item for the new babies. We do not warrant items not purchased directly from FUNSIES. 3) You may be buying an empty box. 4) That person may have scammed before and is banned from our Island. We only ban scammers and griefers from FUNSIES Island.
Baby Scams and how to protect yourself It is against FUNSIES TOS to sell or buy a baby from an individual. Read our TOS section for more information. Babies are registered to the original parent. If someone sells you their baby they have just scammed you. Parents can use the redelivery terminal to ONLY buy a baby from a FUNSIES vendor located in FUNSIES store. FUNSIES will not provide support for a purchased/adopted baby and we will not replace a lost/stolen baby which was purchased elsewhere or by someone other than the requester. This is illegal and the licensee will lose their license to that child. Only the original parent (purchaser) can "call back" the baby; and this can be done at anytime. Babies are transferable to allow others to share in the care of your child, not to be used for scamming. REPORT SCAMMERS TO LINDEN LABS AND THEN SEND A COPY OF THE INFORMATION TO: Rebekah Recreant Anyone abusing the system WILL lose their licenses to FUNSIES babies. |