**NEWPERSON NOTECARD** The NewPerson notecard in the ChatBack system is what your //child says the first time they meet someone.// So keep in mind something a child would say to a stranger, such as: I don't know you //or// Hi %, do you want to play? My name is Debbie You can safely use the % in the NewPerson notecard because your child will only address the same person once with this card. Next, configure the [[speak2me_notecard|Speak2Me notecard]], which is to be used for things your child says after they have met the person. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click another link for the ChatBack: [[Chatback Setup|Click here for Setup help]], [[chatback_notecard|Chatback Notecard]], [[newperson_notecard|NewPerson Notecard]], [[speak2me_notecard|Speak2Me Notecard]].